Safe, Productive, Quality Jobs with Pride
Our mission is to continue building and developing a profitable, safety conscious, employee owned construction company, that provides a quality product with pride. improves and challenges its people and contributes to their communities.
About Us
Welcome to Flippo Construction Company, Inc.
Flippo Construction Company, Inc. (FCCI) is an “EMPLOYEE OWNED” general and heavy construction business operating primarily in the Washington DC, Northern Virginia and Baltimore MD areas. The company was founded in 1971 by B. Earl Flippo and in our years of operation has grown from a small utility concern to one of the major players in our area’s heavy construction industry.

Flippo’s Operations consist of two divisions: Contracts & Service

The Contracts Division provides heavy construction to include bridges, concrete structures, roadway and specialized heavy utility work.

The Service Division provides utility installation, repairs and long-term service/maintenance contracts for the major utility providers in the Washington Metropolitan area.

DCWASA Large Valve Replacement
Fifteen locations removing and replacing 20” to 36” butterfly valves, pipe and pressure reducing and sustaining valves, vaults, S.C.A.D.A., and electrical work and permanent restoration.

FAM @ Stringfellow Water Main Relocation
As a subcontractor to FAM Construction, Flippo was responsible for the relocation of 24” FCWA water main in a dia-base rock trench in a “No Blasting Zone” and installing butterfly valve tie-ins. Total contract value was $1,587,645.

W.A. Chester @ NW Substation 228
As subcontractor to W.A. Chester, Flippo furnished and installed eight pre-cast and one cast-in-place manholes. This project included furnishing and installing hand-holes in the sidewalk at each manhole location; furnishing and installing 2” PVC between the manholes and hand-holes; trench excavation for pipe installation; pipe installation; and permanent paving.

FAM @ I-66 Bridges Bull Run & Sudley Road
As a subcontractor to FAM Construction, Flippo was responsible for the construction and installation of two new bridges with pre-cast bulb tee girders and concrete deck. The Project included installation of new and replacement of existing storm drain pipeline; construction of curb and gutter and sidewalks; and mass grading.

Flippo is hiring!
Come join a great company with competitive wages and company stock. We Are an equal opportunity employer.
Contact Us
We look forward to hearing from you, there are many ways to reach out for more information.

Latest News

Flippo Construction Company, Inc Awarded Miss Utility 2019-2020 Dig Smart Award for Washington DC
Forestville, Maryland, US – By Flippo Construction Company, Inc. On Monday, October 19, 2020 the Miss Utility MD/DC Damage Prevention Committee awarded Flippo Construction Company, Inc with the 2019-2020 Dig Smart Award for Washington, DC. This was Flippo’s second...